💔 I used to believe you can’t have it all…

💔 I used to believe you can’t have it all…

💔 I used to believe you can’t have it all…

“Stay-home” (happy) mom, fit, healthy, business owner, fulfilling relationships, living with purpose and passion, etc.

🙅🏽‍♀️I don’t believe that now.

❤️ I’m starting to live my BEST life now even as a 35 yr old widowed mom of 4 who’s gone through HELL….

❤️🧠💪🏽I’ve HEALED, gained CLARITY, and EMBRACE all different sides of me…

You BECOME what you look 🧐 at most often!!!

🤦🏽‍♀️Don’t waste your life looking at, listening to… then eventually becoming toxic 😡

BE SO EXCLUSIVE with what gets your attention!!

You’re worth it 💪🏽❤️🔥

Natashia- Certified Transformation and Nutrition Coach BN, worked as an RN in internal medicine for several years before becoming a full time stay home mom of four. In 2019, she lost her young husband to cancer. Now, penetrating the beauty industry, Natashia and her brand Mia Adora™ are on a mission to help make women’s beauty and wellness game easier. Read more

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